Friday, February 5, 2010

The Battle for the Sea & the Islands

China should negotiate with other countries about the ownership of the Paracel Islands.
China will have a better relationship with the countries around them. In the New York Times article, "Vietnam Enlists Allies to Stave Off China's Reach" it says that five other countries are claiming parts of the islands, or the South China Sea: Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei. That is a lot of countries. It is important for China to either continue, or build a strong relationship with these countries. They are neighbors and always be connected by these islands and waterways. It would be good to have a positive attitude towards each other. Also stated in the same New York Times article, that the Vietnamese and Chinese governments have labeled this year to be their "Year of Friendship". This is not a good way to start off. Being a super power to Vietnam will not help Chinese appearance, or the relationship with Vietnam.
China is being over controlling with Vietnam in the South China Sea. Having military presence in the area, and taking unneeded action are two completey different things. Chinese military has controlled the perimeter since 1974. It may be time that China steps back though, and looks at the force . "Detaining Vietnamese fishermen, warning foreign oil companies away from working with Vietnam ... seizing fishermen and vessels..." is all apart of the action China is taking against Vietnam. It is not right and not fair. Such abrupt actions needn't take place when Vietnam is continuously asking for negotiations and discussions between Vietnam and the other countries, as said in the New York Times article (
China does not have the right to continue taking control of the area. Since there is no legit ownership, or country claims for the islands, why is it China's and not any one else's? Just because their military is there? If the islands and waterways are not any more closer to one country than another, who is it for China to decide it can be theirs? Negotiations should take place to help evenly decide the sovereignty issues there.

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