Friday, April 16, 2010

SIMUN blog

I am a delegate for Israel. If the U.S. were to move troops and secure Pakistan and their nuclear weapons from the Taliban, I would agree with their move. Israel a strong ally to the U.S. and we support their moves. As a strongly Jewish nation, we would be extremley concerned about the Taliban getting a hold of nuclear weapons because of itense tensions between Arabics and Jewish. We would agree with anyone trying to stop them, and hold back the Taliban. As a concerned nation to the topic, and a ally of the U.S. I believe it would be a intrest of our's to send military aid if needed. Those who would be opposed to the U.S. moving into Pakistan because it would be like invading, Israel would also back the U.S. on that and disagree.

The Taliban gaining control of nuclear weapons is a bad situation for everyone all over. It is a terrible situation in Pakistan itself, as their people would surley be in grave danger. The U.S., and all of their many allies would also be a serious target. The idea of a terrorist group possessing nuclear weaopns just spells out bad news. It is necessary to take all possible and safe action to decrease the chance of the Taliban getting nuclear weapons, and to also secure the Pakistani goverment in order to prevent this situation from happening again.

This could also be bad, because what happens if Al Qadea suddenly decides to take after the Taliban and invade a country to take over nuclear weapons? It could start a disastrous trend of nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands. All steps need to be taken to keep Pakistan safe, and getting the Taliban out, in order to save many lives, homes, communities, and countries themselves.

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