Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Loss of Privacy

With all the new technology in the world, it is really hard to keep things private in modern day America and in the end, creating fake people. Between Facebook, and Myspace, text messages and instant messaging, any piece of information could be spread across the world in a matter of minutes-- or less. Almost all of the social networking websites require personal information about the users, such as e-mails, full names, ages, birth dates, place of birth, present residing place, etc. I know personally on Facebook, the website made a required link to where I said I lived currently. That irked me a little, because what if I liked keeping that information to myself? I couldn't. Which brings us then to the fact that people will lie all over their pages. They lie about their names, ages, where they live, and in the end it's chosing between being broadcasted to everyone, or make a fake self. Peggy Noonan says, "An odd thing is that when privacy is done away with, people don't become more authentic, they become less so. What replaces what used not to be said is something that must be said and is usually a lie." Privacy has been a major issue in this country for a long time, and it seems like now have a way to keep it-- lying. But how much better is that?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Free Blog

I am having salad for lunch today. It has ham, and turkey slices on it; along with some diclinous cheese. I have Italian dressing to go with. I am very excited for lunch, because I love salads. Salads are a much better lunch choice than sandwiches. I am quite hungry actually today, because my breakfast was small. I hope the dressing did not spill all over my lunch bag though, because it is in a flimsy plastic container.

I also have some grapes for lunch. I only like the red kind. Some people think they are purple, because they really are, but I have always called them red. I do not like green grapes, I think they are gross. My grapes are always sour by lunch time though, I think it is because I do not have a refrigerator in my locker to keep them cold-- that would make sense.

I have a juice box too. I feel like a kindergartener sometimes when I drink my juice box in a high school cafeteria, but I do not care. I like juice, and I like it in box form, what’s the problem with that? I also dislike when people call juice pouches, juices boxes, because they are not! Like Capri-Sun, those are juice pouches, not juice boxes.

In my brown paper lunch sack, I also have a fiber plus peanut-butter chocolate granola bar. I love them, they are very chewy. The fiber is not the only vitamin in them though; it is filled with protein and other vitamins. It’s a good way to get my vitamins I need, from a delicious source I love.

The last thing in my lunch today is a hard-boiled egg. A lot of people think they are gross, but I just cannot get enough of them. They are also filled with protein, and as a swimmer, I need lots of that. I enjoy deviled eggs too, which come from hard-boiled eggs; but I was not fortunate enough to have a deviled egg in my lunch today.

I am actually very hungry today, and I did not know what to write about, seeing that nothing exciting is happening in my life right now. So I figured since my salad is on my mind, I would write about that. Writing about all this food is making me even hungrier now, and I am quite embarrassed to say that my stomach has been growling.