Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Time :)

Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love spending time with my extended family. On Christmas Eve we have a party with my dad’s side of the family. We’re very Italian, so there is tons of pasta and delicious treats. My favorite food is the lasagna my aunt makes. It is so cheesy and has lots of garlic—yum! Every year my grandma wears this sparkly Santa pin; and every year, she tells us the “Santa Pin Story”. This pin is my grandma’s absolute favorite. It shines, sparkles and glimmers. She pinned it onto a sweater, and wore it a party once. When she came home she flipped the sweater inside out and put it on a hook behind her door. The next morning, she realized her pin was gone! She searched everywhere and called the hosts of the party and told them to search too. She was so depressed she lost her pin, she wrote into the newspaper, asking them to write a column about her missing pin. By the end of the week, her pin was still missing. While doing laundry, she flipped her sweater right-side-in again, and there, still shining on the right shoulder—was her Santa pin. She tells the story with such dramatic effect every year, sometimes I forget the ending even though I’ve heard the story a thousand times.
Christmas day we stay home all day in our pajamas, and watch 24 hours of A Christmas Story. It gets kind of annoying by late evening though, so we end up watching a movie we got from Santa.
On my mom’s side of the family we get together usually two days after Christmas at my grandma’s house. I also have a very large family on that side too. Every year we do Secret-Santa. Each cousin draws a name and they buy a present for them. One of my uncle’s always dresses up as Santa—even though we all know who it is—and passes out gifts. It’s funny because my grandma even makes the adults sit on his lap to get their present. The most prominent tradition though, is the annual card game of Spoons. Everyone sits at this long table and we play a giant game. It gets pretty intense, and sometimes people fall off chairs, or walk away bleeding. It’s all in good fun though—no one seriously gets hurt.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Power of One

I really liked the move, The Power of One. It was really moving to watch. I have to admit I knew absolutely nothing about South Africa, the apartheid, Afrikaners, or any of that. I was shocked watching PK live in the Afrikaner school, absolutely appalled. I had no idea that children could be so mean to other kids. I studied World War II a lot when I was in the fourth grade. It was a topic I had really enjoyed learning about. But I hadn’t ever known that the war traveled down to the tip of Africa. That, I never knew. It was interesting to see Hitler’s work in a different perspective, being portrayed through a young teenager. Just a young kid preaching Hitler’s words to littler children; and then that preaching taken into action. Even though I knew PK couldn’t die—he was the main character and it was the beginning of the movie--I still gripped Ally’s arm and closed my eyes, thinking he would.

I was sort of inspired, at how he still tried. He still woke up every day and “fought off the lonely birds” as he said. After losing his dad, his mom, and then his chicken (which was really cool how that helped him, I really didn’t know anything about African traditions either. I really found that scene interesting. I really didn’t like when the chicken died though…that was sad.) I expected him to be on his own, a mess. But he wasn’t—he had Doc. Doc was one of my favorite characters. He cared so much about PK and cared about him, and even though he had lost everything too, he was still a happy and cheery man. He loved PK like he was his own son. I really liked how he was in tune with nature. That he told PK, “every question you have will can be answered in nature.” He taught PK out of the classroom, not just things like chemistry, and math—which he did—but about the life, about Africa. He taught PK things that he would need later on.

I thought it was cool that PK learned to box by Giel Piet because later on in the city when Morrie took PK to a boxing center and he asked, “Where did you learn to box?” PK answered, “In prison”. I thought that was pretty funny and sarcastic of PK.

I had learned almost nothing ever before this about apartheid and I was amazed to see Alexander, where the blacks lived. I was amazed when he said there was one toilet for two hundred people. I can barley share the bathroom with my sister; I couldn’t imagine having to wait in line all day just to use a toilet! Their homes were nothing but shacks. It reminds me of when I went to the Holocaust Memorial Center, and learned about the Poland ghettos. It was much like this.

I was a little depressed by the time Marie died because then it was like, jeese! Does everyone die in this movie? PK’s mom, his dad, his chicken, Giel Piet, Doc leaves, Marie dies too… I kind of wondered if anyone was going to live! It was so sad. I love though that the very last scene was him walking into the sunset with his friend Duma and said something like, “Even though the one’s I loved died, I still have their voices to guide me”. I think that was a good way to end the movie.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Am Thankful For...

  1. I am thankful for the community I was born in. Many other cities in this country are not as nice as ours. I can walk down the streets with my friends, and not worry about being robbed or shot. Other communities aren't like that. I feel safe living here and I'm very lucky for that.
  2. I am thankful that my dad has a job. So many people are without jobs, and I am thankful my family is not one of them. Although everyone is struggling in this economy, I am happy that my family is still okay. Many people are without this Thanksgiving because of a job loss, and I feel blessed that my family will not be one of them.
  3. I am thankful for my parents. They love me, and take care of me always. They listen if I need to talk, or nurse me if I am sick. My mom drives me almost everywhere I need to go, and I am very fortunate. Some kids' parents are divorced, or deceased, or just aren't in their lives. I love my parents and I'm glad I have them.
  4. I am thankful for my house. Even though it seems like just another typical thing to be thankful for, its true. Michigan gets freezing during these months. Most people really take for granted their warm bed, and a roof when it snows. I am so thankful I have somewhere to go at night.
  5. I am thankful for my older sister. She is my best friend, and I don't know what I would do without her. She gives me advices, consoles me, and is always there to listen. As a child I always had a play-mate and now that we are older, we hang out and I know she is always there.
  6. I am thankful for my little brother. Although I complain about stepping on his toys, and wining about babysitting him, I love him. He always makes me feel better if I'm sad, and can always make me laugh. He is such a cutie and I don't know what I would do without him either.
  7. I am thankful for my cell phone. That thing is attached to my hip always. I would go crazy without it. I'm always in touch with my friends, texting or calling. So many people don't have one, and it is a special luxury that I do, and I am very thankful for it.
  8. I am thankful for sweat pants. There is nothing I like more, then coming home after a long day of school and a long swim practice, then to put on my warm, fuzzy sweat pants. They are so comfortable and just nice "lazy-clothes".
  9. I am thankful for my swim team. It has made me a better, and faster swimmer throughout this season. The training has helped me achieve so many of my goals and beyond them. I have also learned some self-discipline waking up at quarter to five in the morning. I have made some of my very best friends on the team, and made the very best memories. We are all one big family and I love being with the team. It is something that not everyone has, and I am truly thankful for it.
  10. I have serious medical problems with my hips. It has been very difficult to swim, and at one point-- to walk. This problem is with me for life. Although I go to physical therapy, and pain can be eased, and the problem lessen-- it will never fully go away. I am so lucky to be able to walk. I am so lucky I don't need surgery over this. I am so thankful everyday, that I am blessed with the continuous well-being of my hips. It is a struggle, but I know it could be worse, and I am thankful it isn't.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Month of High School(:

Old Friends, New Friends:

A lot of my old friends from middle school, I don't really see anymore if I don't have classes with them. Some of my friends that I hung out with during the summer I don't see them much either if they go to a different school. I have made a lot of new friends too though from the swim team. We spend a lot of time together from all the practices, meets, and team bonding stuff we do. I talk a lot about swimming, so it's good to have friends that understand what I'm talking about.

SHS Activities Attended:

During the last month of school, I haven't really attended too many activities. I went to the freshman dance, and had a lot of fun. I also went to most of the home varsity football games. I don't really like football--at all-- but I liked hanging out with my friends.(:

Funniest, Weirdest, Scariest Moments:

I guess this could count as a weird and scary moment.. but I stayed after school one day with the swim team to paint huge banners for the seniors on the team. All of us girls put our books, book bags, and purses on a bench while we worked. We had swim practice after, so we all ran to the locker room so we wouldn't be late. A couple of my friends and I had forgotten our stuff on the bench and decided we would go back for it after. When we were done with practice, and we came back my book bag and purse were gone. My friends' stuff was there, but mine wasn't. I panicked and searched all over. It was a Friday so almost all the janitors and teachers were gone. I couldn't believe it-who would want my homework, and my purse with barley anything in it? When I came to school on Monday, I had to explain to my teachers that I didn't have my homework... When third hour rolled around, Mrs. VanHorn said that she saw a janitor take purses and book bags into the auditorium (thinking they belonged to people trying out for the play). She said Mr. Coriliss might have it because he was in the auditorium that night. At lunch my friend Catie walked in, carrying my purse and bag and said, "You're stuff was in my seat".

HaRdEsT/eAsIeSt ClAsS aSsIgNmEnTs:

The hardest class assignment so far, has probably been my cultural event. Not that it was a very difficult task, it's just that it's a pretty big assignment and it was pretty stressful. I worked on it day and night for a couple days. The easiest... probably foods! I made a giant chocolate chip cookie(:


Recently, Governor Granholm vetoed a bill that cut about $7.7 million in funds for the Livonia School District.

Dow went past 10,000 finally after a year!

A painting that they thought was worth $19,000 was found to be painted by Leonardo daVinci now worth $150 million!

President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Typhoons, and Wind Storms over took the South Pacific for about two weeks. This destroyed and killed many people and cities.

Faces in the News

Faces in the news are Dimitry Medvedev, the president of Russia. Hamid Karzai, the "so-called president" of Afghanistan. Also, Sota Mayor who is the newest supreme court justice. Governor Granholm, Hillary Clinton is also in the news. Granholm passed the school budget bill and Hillary Clinton met with the president of Russia to talk about nuclear weapons between Russia and Iran.

Interesting New Words

I've learned a lot of new words this year. A couple that stuck with me are:

Vehemence, ludicrous, loquacious, perfunctorily, jubilant, and lethargic. I actually find myself using them a lot now without really thinking about it.

Popular/Memorable Songs

Just about everyone loves music by the small bands that got really big. Like All Time Low and Colbra Starship. Almost every girl loves Taylor Swift songs! The Hoe-Down Throwdown is not only a song that everyone knows, but the dance too.

Popular/Memorable Movies

Twilight saga! It's the obsession of everyone right now and New Moon is coming out this November. The Harry Potter movies seem to becoming popular again now that it is getting towards the end of the series. Scary movies seem to be really popular too. In like the seventh grade when Prom Night came out the whole world went and saw it.

Rumors or Gossip!

As far as celebrity gossip goes, Jon and Kate, from Jon and Kate + 8 got a divorce and they seem to be in the media often. Micheal Jackson died, and the whole world suddenly has decided to be his biggest fan. People's attention were turned to a story that a little boy got stuck in a hot air balloon and then they lost it! Eventually, the mother and father confessed it was all just an act and they told their children to lie about it.

Fads or Trends

Yoga pants-- girls wear them all the time and they are so comfortable. Straightened hair, or hair thrown up in a messy bun is the hairstyle that everyone seems to do. Boys don't really change too much. Ugg boots, potato shoes, and clogs with fur are really popular shoes too. Everyone always seems to dress up in the beginning of they year, but as it goes on you can see that people tend to care a little less and less because everyone is so sick of waking up and getting ready!

First Cultural Event

For my first cultural event, I went to the Greek Festival. It was hosted at the Greek Orthodox Church, and I learned a lot about that faith, and Greek food and culture. I learned a lot about how close the religion is to my own. I got to taste their delicious food, and watch some really cool dancing.


I actually had a swim meet right before the dance that started at noon all the way out at Eastern College. It was a big, important meet and it lasted until after three! All of us raced right out of the pool and into the showers to try and get to our hair appointment. We actually ended up swimming really good that day, and looked very pretty. My friend's mom is an amazing cook and she made the best food ever before the dance. I had so much fun at the dance.

Advice For Freshman

Watch out for the big seniors who know their way around the school-- it is so different from the little hallways of middle school. Get organized fast, because teachers don't really accept the whole "I forgot my homework at school" excuse too much anymore... The lunch room is like a jungle the first week. Find a lunch buddy and stick with them, so you can eat and not be eaten. From a swimmer with five a.m. morning practices-- learn to not care what your hair looks like, and get used to sweat pants.

What I'm looking Forward To

I'm really excited for the end of the year swim meets. They're the big championship meets, and it's going to be really fun. I'm also looking forward for swim season to be done, sort of, that way I can get involved in other after school activities besides swim practice. Is it sad I'm already looking forward to summer? Well, I am anyways. I had so much fun at homecoming, I can't wait for the next school dance too!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Culture, Culture, Culture

My culture is very traditional; my family does the same thing every year. I like to describe my dad’s side of the family, as “My big fat Italian family”. I say big, because I have seventeen first cousins on just that side. We always get together on major holidays like Christmas, Easter and Thanksgiving. When we get together though, one thing is always certain—we’re loud. Everyone in the neighborhood knows when the Cauzillo’s get together. One of the most important parts of my culture, or my family, is my dad’s job. My family owns their own business—Cauzillo Plumbing. My grandpa and my great uncle started this business way back before my grandpa was even married. My dad took up the business when my grandpa retired, and it is a huge part of my life. After my grandpa died, the business was the most precious thing my family had of him. This is a major part of my culture and back ground. My mom’s side is just a little bit smaller, with ten cousins. Every year, my grandpa hosts Thanksgiving and my grandma hosts Christmas. My mom’s side is very Belgium. My grandpa would make these special Belgium cookies called “luckys” and all the kids loved them. They were big thin cookies made in a waffle maker, sprinkled with cinnamon. I’m quite a mix of both cultures from Italy and Belgium. I love having family from both cultures and having the best of both worlds.

I cannot come up with one simple definition for American culture. America is so many different cultures combining to create one big culture. Many people have called the American culture the “big mixing bowl”. I have to agree. Of course there is apple pie, and baseball but that only covers a little bit of our population. As Americans we celebrate both Christmas and Kwanza. Some individual families celebrate both! We change so frequently according to all the diverse people that calls this country home. America also has a changing culture. In the 1950’s the culture consisted of the picture perfect stay at home mom, dad working at the auto industry, and kids playing catch with the neighborhood. A home-cooked meal was expected almost every night. It isn’t like that anymore. Most moms and dads work so there isn’t much time for homemade turkey and gravy, so it’s frozen dinner night, four or five nights a week. Kid’s don’t go outside and play every day after school anymore. Most change like this comes just from time change, or because so many new cultures come here from different countries. It’s hard to put a label on our culture, but it is certainly ours.